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Yayin bilgilerime Google Scholar veritabanindan da ulasabilirsiniz.


  1. Akın, Ömer and Özbayoglu, A. Murat. Ayrık Matematik ve Uygulamaları - Discrete Mathematics and its Applications, Kenneth Rosen - 7. baskıdan çeviri.
    Palme Yayıncılık., Nisan 2015
  2. Yazıcı, Ali, Erdogan Dogdu, Özbayoglu, A.Murat, Y.Murat Erten, ve O. Ergin. Java Bilgisayar Programlamaya Giris.
    Palme Yayıncılık., 2007

SCI endeksli Dergi Makaleleri

  1. 2020 - A. Murat Ozbayoglu, M. Ugur Gudelek, Ömer Berat Sezer
    Deep learning for financial applications: A survey

    Applied Soft Computing, vol 93, August 2020, 106384, DOI: 10.1016/j.asoc.2020.106384
  2. 2020 - Ömer Berat Sezer, M. Ugur Gudelek, A. Murat Ozbayoglu
    Financial time series forecasting with deep learning : A systematic literature review: 2005–2019

    Applied Soft Computing, vol 90, May 2020, 106181, DOI: 10.1016/j.asoc.2020.106181
  3. 2020 - G. Serin, B. Sener, A.M. Ozbayoglu, H.O. Unver
    Review of tool condition monitoring in machining and opportunities for deep learning

    The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, pp. 1-22, DOI: 10.1007/s00170-020-05449-w
  4. 2020 - G. Serin, B. Sener, A.M. Ozbayoglu, H.O. Unver
    Integrated energy-efficient machining of rotary impellers and multi-objective optimization

    Materials and Manufacturing Processes, vol 35, No 4, pp. 478-490, DOI: 10.1080/10426914.2019.1605177
  5. 2019 - Ömer Berat Sezer, A. Murat Ozbayoglu
    Financial Trading Model with Stock Bar Image Time Series with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

    Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, vol 26, No 2, pp. 323-334, DOI: 10.31209/2018.100000065
  6. 2019 - Murat Ozbayoglu, Ayhan Akbas, Huseyin Ugur Yildiz, Bulent Tavli
    Neural Network based Instant Parameter Prediction for Wireless Sensor Network Optimization Models

    Wireless Networks, vol 25, No 6, pp. 3405-3418
  7. 2019 - Hatice Tombul, Murat Ozbayoglu, Evren Ozbayoglu
    Computational Intelligence Models for PIV based Particle (Cuttings) Direction and Velocity Estimation in Multi-Phase Flows

    Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering, vol 172, Jan 2019, pp. 547-558
  8. 2018 - Evren Ozbayoglu, Oney Erge, Murat Ozbayoglu
    Predicting the pressure losses while the drillstring is buckled and rotating using artificial intelligence methods

    Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering, volume 56, Agustos 2018, pp. 72-80
  9. 2018 - Ömer Berat Sezer, A. Murat Ozbayoglu
    Algorithmic Financial Trading with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks: Time Series to Image Conversion Approach

    Applied Soft Computing, volume 70, Eylul 2018, pp. 525-538
  10. 2018 - M.S. Seyfioğlu, A.M. Ozbayoglu, S.Z. Gürbüz
    Deep Convolutional Autoencoder for Radar-Based Classification of Similar Aided and Unaided Human Activities

    IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, volume 54, Issue 4, Agustos 2018, pp. 1709-1723
  11. 2018 - Ömer Berat Sezer, Erdoğan Doğdu, A. Murat Ozbayoglu
    Context Aware Computing, Learning and Big Data in Internet of Things: A Survey

    IEEE Internet of Things Journal, volume 5, Issue 1, Subat 2018, pp. 1-27
  12. 2017 - Bahram Lotfi Sadigh, Shahrzad Nikghadam, A. Murat Ozbayoglu, Hakki Ozgur Unver, Erdogan Dogdu and S. Engin Kilic
    An ontology-based multi-agent virtual enterprise system (OMAVE): part 2: partner selection

    International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 31 Ocak 2017
  13. 2016 - Bahram Lotfi Sadigh, Hakki Ozgur Unver, Shahrzad Nikghadam, Erdogan Dogdu, A. Murat Ozbayoglu and S. Engin Kilic
    An ontology-based multi-agent virtual enterprise system (OMAVE): part 1: domain modelling and rule management

    International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 19 Subat 2016
  14. 2015 - S. Nikghadam, B.Lotfi Sadigh, A.M. Özbayoğlu, H.Ö. Ünver, S. E. Kılıç
    A survey of partner selection methodologies for virtual enterprises and development of a goal programming– based approach

    International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, pp. 1-22, 12 Nov 2015
  15. 2015 - Osgouei, R.E., Özbayoglu, E., Özbayoglu, M., Yüksel, E.
    A new model to determine the two phase drilling Fluid Behaviors through Horizontal Eccentric Annular Geometry, Part A: Flow Pattern Identification and Liquid Holdup Estimation.

    Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, Volume 37, Issue 15, pp. 1663-1673
  16. 2015 - Osgouei, R.E., Özbayoglu, E., Özbayoglu, M. and Yüksel. E.
    A new model to determine the two phase drilling Fluid Behaviors through Horizontal Eccentric Annular Geometry, Part B: Frictional Pressure Losses Estimation.

    Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, Volume 37, Issue 16, pp. 1756-1765
  17. 2015 - Osgouei, Reza Ettehadi, Ozbayoglu, A. Murat, Ozbayoglu Evren M., Yuksel Ertan, Eresen, Aydin.
    Pressure drop estimation in horizontal annuli for liquid–gas 2 phase flow: Comparison of mechanistic models and computational intelligence techniques.

    Computers & Fluids 112, pp. 108–115
  18. 2015 - Sorgun, Mehmet, Ozbayoglu, A Murat, Ozbayoglu M Evren.
    Support Vector Regression and Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling of Newtonian and Non-Newtonian Fluids in Annulus With Pipe Rotation.

    Journal of Energy Resources Technology 137.3, p. 032901.
  19. 2013 - AM Ozbayoglu, C Kasnakoglu, A Gungor, A Biyikoglu, BZ Uysal.
    A Two-Stage Water-Gas Shift Reactor Model To Obtain Desired Synthesis Gas Characteristics With Adjustable Reactor Parameters.

    Journal of The Faculty of Engineering And Architecture of Gazi University 28.2, pp. 339–351.
  20. 2013 - Sorgun, Mehmet, Osgouei, Reza E, Ozbayoglu, M Evren, Ozbayoglu, A Murat.
    Gas-Liquid Flow Through Horizontal Eccentric Annuli: CFD and Experiments Compared”.

    Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects 35.10, pp. 891–899.
  21. 2012 - Gungor, Afsin, Ozbayoglu, Murat, Kasnakoglu, Cosku, Biyikoglu, Atilla, Uysal, Bekir Zuhtu.
    A parametric study on coal gasification for the production of syngas”.

    Chemical Papers 66.7,pp. 677–683.
  22. 2012 - Ozbayoglu, A Murat, Yuksel, H Ertan.
    Analysis of gas–liquid behavior in eccentric horizontal annuli with image processing and artificial intelligence techniques.

    Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 81.1, pp. 31–40.
  23. 2012 - Ozbayoglu, Mehmet, Osgouei, Reza, Ozbayoglu, Murat, Yuksel, Ertan.
    Hole Cleaning Performance of Gasified Drilling Fluids in Horizontal Well Sections.

    SPE Journal 17.3, pp. 912– 923.
  24. 2009 - Ozbayoglu, EM, Ozbayoglu, MA.
    Estimating flow patterns and frictional pressure losses of two-phase fluids in horizontal wellbores using artificial neural networks.

    Petroleum Science and Technology 27.2, pp. 135–149.
  25. 2008 - Özbayoglu, Gülhan, Özbayoglu, A Murat, Özbayoglu, M Evren.
    Estimation of Hardgrove grindability index of Turkish coals by neural networks.

    International Journal of Mineral Processing 85.4, pp. 93–100.

Diğer Dergi Makaleleri

  1. 2017 - Adalı, S.F., Demirci, M.F., Özbayoğlu, A.M.
    Automated Image Matching and New Readings for Cyrus the Great's 547 BC Campaign in the Nabonidus Chronicle (BM 35382 = ABC 7).

    Die Welt des Orients, vol 47, No:2, pp. 153-185.
  2. 2016 - M. Akif, Agca, Senol Atac, M. Mert Yucesan, Gokhan Y. Kucukayan, A. Murat Özbayoglu and Erdogan Dogdu.
    Opinion Mining of Microblog Texts on Hadoop Ecosystem.

    International Journal of Cloud Computing, vol 5, No:1-2, pp. 79-90.
  3. 2015 - Nikghadam, S., B. Lotfi Sadigh, Ozbayoglu, A. M, Unver, H. O. and Kilic. S. E.
    Evaluation of Partner Companies based on Fuzzy Inference System for Establishing Virtual Enterprise Consortium

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science – CCIS Communications in Computer Science vol 577, pp. 104-115, 15 Dec 2015.
  4. 2014 - Selim F. Adalı, M. Fatih Demirci, A. Murat Özbayoglu and Oguz Ergin.
    Why the Names? Anubanini and His Clan in the Cuthaean Legend.

    Journal of the Ancient History and Cultures of the Eastern Mediterranean vol. 11, pp. 15–29.
  5. 2011 - A. Güngör, A.M Ozbayoglu, C. Kasnakoglu, A. Biyikoglu, and B.Z Uysal.
    Determination of Air/Fuel and Steam/Fuel Ratio for Coal Gasification Process to Produce Synthesis Gas.

    Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering vol. 5.5, pp. 799–804.

Kitap Bölümleri

  1. 2017 - Özbayoğlu, A.M.
    Derin Öğrenme ile Büyük ve Açık Veri Analizi

    Kitap: Büyük Veri ve Açık Veri Analitiği: Yöntemler ve Uygulamalar, pp: 115-130, Editörler: Şeref Sağıroğlu, Orhan Koç, Grafiker Yayınları, ISBN: 978-605-9247-59-7, Ekim 2017.

Henüz basılmamış Çalışmalar

  1. 2020 - E. Arın, A. M. Özbayoğlu
    Deep Learning based Hybrid Computational Intelligence Models for Options Pricing

    submitted to Computational Economics
  2. 2020 - Jeyhun Karimov, Murat Ozbayoglu, Bulent Tavli, Erdoğan Doğdu
    Menu Optimization for Multi-Profile Customer Systems on Large Scale Data

    submitted to Computational Economics
  3. 2020 - A. Maratkhan, I. Ilyassov, M. Aitzhanov, M.F. Demirci, A.M. Ozbayoglu
    Deep learning based investment strategy: technical indicator clustering and residual blocks

    submitted to Soft Computing
  4. 2020 - M. Yılmaz, A.M. Ozbayoglu, B. Tavlı
    Efficient Computation of Wireless Sensor Network Lifetime Through Deep Neural Networks

    submitted to Wireless Networks
  5. 2019 - A. Murat Ozbayoglu, Nuri Durlu, N. Kaan Caliskan
    Automated Image Analysis and Contiguity Estimation for Liquid Phase Sintered Tungsten Heavy Alloys

    arXiv preprint, arXiv:1902.05382
  6. 2018 - A. Bozbey, A. Karamuftuoglu, S. Razmkhah, A.M. Ozbayoglu
    Single Flux Quantum Based Ultrahigh Speed Spiking Neuromorphic Processor Architecture

    arXiv preprint, arXiv:1812.10354

Uluslararası Konferans Yayınları

  1. 2020 - Ö. Meriç, A. M. Özbayoğlu
    Software Test Effort Estimation with Machine Learning

    3rd International Conference on Data Science and Applications (ICONDATA 20). June 25-28, Istanbul
  2. 2019 - U. Erkut, F. Bostancıoğlu, M. Erten, A. M. Özbayoğlu, E. Solak
    HSV Color Histogram Based Image Retrieval with Background Elimination

    2019 1st International Informatics and Software Engineering Conference (UBMYK), Ankara, Turkey, 2019, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/UBMYK48245.2019.8965513
  3. 2019 - A. M. Özbayoğlu
    Unsupervised Fingerprint Classification with Directional Flow Filtering

    2019 1st International Informatics and Software Engineering Conference (UBMYK), Ankara, Turkey, 2019, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/UBMYK48245.2019.8965526
  4. 2019 - E. O. Yıldırım, M. Uçar and A. M. Özbayoğlu
    Evolutionary Optimized Stock Support-Resistance Line Detection for Algorithmic Trading Systems

    2019 1st International Informatics and Software Engineering Conference (UBMYK), Ankara, Turkey, 2019, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/UBMYK48245.2019.8965471
  5. 2019 - A. Maratkhan, I. Ilyassov, M. Aitzhanov, M.F. Demirci, A.M. Ozbayoglu
    Financial Forecasting using Deep Learning with an optimized trading strategy

    IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, CEC 2019, 10-13 June 2019, Wellington, New Zealand.
  6. 2018 - A.C. Onal, O.B. Sezer, M. Ozbayoglu, E. Dogdu
    MIS-IoT: Modular Intelligent Server Based Internet of Things Framework with Big Data and Machine Learning

    IEEE International Conference on Big Data, 2018, 10-13 December 2018, Seattle, WA, USA.
  7. 2018 - Selim Sefa Sarikan, Murat Ozbayoglu
    Anomaly Detection in Vehicle Traffic with Image Processing and Machine Learning

    Complex Adaptive Systems 2018, Procedia Computer Science, vol 140, pp. 64-69, 5-7 November 2018, Chicago, USA
  8. 2018 - Dervis Utku Ufuk, Alptekin Temizel, Ahmet Murat Ozbayoglu
    Optimized GPU Implementation of JPEG 2000 for Satellite Image Decompression

    CSE 2018, 21st IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Enginerering, pp. 56-61, 29-31 October 2018, Bucharest, Romania
  9. 2018 - Mustafa Sari, Murat Ozbayoglu
    Classification of Turkish Documents using Paragraph Vector

    International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Data Processing 18, 27-28 Sept 2018, Malatya, Turkey
  10. 2018 - Erdogan Dogdu, Murat Ozbayoglu, Ali Yazici, Ziya Karakaya
    Perceptions, Expectations and Implementations of Big Data in Public Sector

    UBMK'18, International Conference on Computer Engineering, pp. 615-620, 20-23 September 2018, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina
  11. 2018 - Ugur Gudelek, Cem Cirak, Efe Arin, Erdem Sezgin, Murat Ozbayoglu and Murat Gol
    Load and PV Generation Forecast Based Cost Optimization for Nanogrids with PV and Battery

    2018 53rd International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC), 4-7 September 2018, Glasgow, Scotland
  12. 2018 - M. Ugur Aksu, Kemal Bicakci, M. Hadi Dilek, A. Murat Ozbayoglu, E. Islam Tatli
    Automated Generation of Attack Graphs Using NVD

    CODASPY '18, The 8th ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy, 19-21 March, Tempe, AZ, USA.
  13. 2017 - A.C. Onal, O.B. Sezer, M. Ozbayoglu, E. Dogdu
    Weather Data Analysis and Sensor Fault Detection using an Extended IoT Framework with Semantics, Big Data, and Machine Learning

    IEEE International Conference on Big Data, 2017, 13-15 December, Boston, MA, USA.
  14. 2017 - G. Serin, U. Güdelek, A.M. Özbayoğlu, H.Ö. Ünver
    Estimation of Parameters for the Free-Form Machining with Deep Neural Net

    IEEE International Conference on Big Data, 2017, 13-15 December, Boston, MA, USA.
  15. 2017 - M.U. Güdelek, S.A. Bölük, A.M. Özbayoğlu
    A Deep Learning based Stock Trading Model with 2-D CNN Trend Detection

    IEEE Computational Intelligence in Financial Engineering (IEEE CIFeR 2017) in IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (IEEE SSCI 2017), Honolulu, HI, USA, 27 November-1 December, 2017.
  16. 2017 - Efe Arın, Uğur Gudelek, Murat Özbayoğlu
    Quora Duplicate Query Elimination

    LTC '17, 8th Language and Technology Conference, 17-19 November, Poznan, Poland, 2017.
  17. 2017 - G. Serin, M. Kahya, A.M. Özbayoğlu, H.Ö. Ünver
    An artificial neural network based power prediction model for rough cutting of AISI 304

    8th International Symposium on Machining, 2-4 November, Antalya, Turkey, 2017.
  18. 2017 - M. Kahya, G. Serin, A.M. Özbayoğlu, H.Ö. Ünver
    Investigation of rough milling of Ti6A14V using response surface methodology

    8th International Symposium on Machining, 2-4 November, Antalya, Turkey, 2017.
  19. 2017 - O.B. Sezer, M. Ozbayoglu, E. Dogdu
    A Deep Neural-Network Based Stock Trading System Based on Evolutionary Optimized Technical Analysis Parameters

    Procedia - Computer Sciences - Complex Adaptive Systems, vol 114, pp. 473-480, 30 October-1 November, Chicago, IL, USA, 2017.
  20. 2017 - S.S. Sarikan, A.M. Ozbayoglu, O. Zilci
    Automated Vehicle Classification with Image Processing and Computational Intelligence

    Procedia - Computer Sciences - Complex Adaptive Systems, vol 114, pp. 515-522, 30 October-1 November, Chicago, IL, USA, 2017.
  21. 2017 - Mehmet Saygın Seyfioğlu, A. Serinoz, Ahmet Murat Özbayoğlu, Sevgi Zübeyde Gürbüz
    Feature diverse hierarchical classification of human gait with CW radar for assisted living

    International Conference on Radar Systems (Radar 2017), 23-26 October. Belfast, UK, 2017.
  22. 2017 - Mehmet Saygın Seyfioğlu, Sevgi Zübeyde Gürbüz, Ahmet Murat Özbayoğlu, Melda Yüksel
    Deep learning of micro-Doppler features for aided and unaided gait recognition

    IEEE 2017 Radar Conference, pp. 1125-1130. 8-12 May. Seattle, WA, USA, 2017.
  23. 2017 - O.B. Sezer, M. Ozbayoglu, E. Dogdu
    An Artificial Neural Network-based Stock Trading System Using Technical Analysis and Big Data Framework

    ACM Southeast Conference, ACMSE 2017, 13-15 April, Kennesaw State University, GA, USA.
  24. 2016 - O.B. Sezer, E. Dogdu, M. Ozbayoglu, A.C. Onal
    An Extended IoT Framework with Semantics, Big Data, and Analytics

    IEEE International Conference on Big Data, 2016, pp.1849-1856. 5-8 December. Washington, DC, USA.
  25. 2016 - M. Ozbayoglu, G. Küçükayan, E. Doğdu
    A Real-Time Autonomous Highway Accident Detection Model Based on Big Data Processing and Computational Intelligence

    IEEE International Conference on Big Data, 2016, pp. 1807-1813. 5-8 December. Washington, DC, USA.
  26. 2016 - S. Kulcu, E. Doğdu, M. Ozbayoglu
    A Survey on Semantic Web and Big Data Technologies for Social Network Analysis

    IEEE International Conference on Big Data, 2016, pp.1768-1777. 5-8 December. Washington, DC, USA.
  27. 2016 - S. Nikghadam, A.M. Ozbayoglu, H.O. Unver, S.E. Kilic
    Design of a Customer's Type Based Algorithm for Partner Selection Problem of Virtual Enterprise

    Procedia - Computer Sciences - Complex Adaptive Systems, Vol. 95, pp.467-474. 2-4 November. Los Angeles, CA, USA.
  28. 2015 - Y.S. Demiray, A.M. Ozbayoglu, B.K.O. Tas
    Estimation of the Number of Participants in Government Tenders with Computational Intelligence

    3rd Workshop on Social and Algorithmic Issues in Business Support (SAIBS), 2015, pp.433-437. 27-29 November. Poznan, Poland.
  29. 2015 - J. Karimov, M. Ozbayoglu
    Clustering Quality Improvement of K-means Using a Hybrid Evolutionary Model

    Procedia - Computer Sciences - Complex Adaptive Systems, Vol. 61, pp.38-45. 2-4 November. San Jose, CA, USA.
  30. 2015 - J. Karimov, M. Ozbayoglu
    High quality clustering of big data and solving empty-clustering problem with an evolutionary hybrid algorithm

    IEEE International Conference on Big Data, 2015, in press. 29 October-1 November. Santa Clara, CA, USA.
  31. 2015 - J. Karimov, M. Ozbayoglu, E. Dogdu and B.Tavlı
    Generic Menu Optimization for Multi-profile Customer Systems

    IEEE International Symposium on Systems Engineering (ISSE) 2015, pp. 163-169. 28-30 September. Rome, Italy.
  32. 2015 - Karimov, J., M. Ozbayoglu, and E. Dogdu.
    k-means Performance Improvements with Centroid Calculation Heuristics both for Serial and Parallel environments.

    2015 IEEE Big Data Congress. 27 June-2 July. New York, USA.
  33. 2015 - Nikghadam, S., B.Lotfi Sadigh, Ozbayoglu, A. M., H. O. Unver, and S. E. Kilic.
    Partner selection in formation of virtual enterprises using fuzzy logic.

    International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems, ICORES 2015, 10-12 January 2015, Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 82– 88.
  34. 2015 - Ucar, I., Ozbayoglu, M., and M. Ucar.
    Developing a Two Level Options Trading Strategy Based on Option Pair Optimization of Spread Strategies with Evolutionary Algorithms.

    IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, CEC 2015. May 25-28. Sendai, Japan.
  35. 2014 - Dogdu, Erdogan, A. Murat Özbayoglu, Okan Benli, Hülya Erdener Akınç, Erdeniz Erol, Tugrul Atasoy, Ozan Gurec, and Özden Erçin.
    Ontology-based Data Modelling and Decision Support in Smart Grid Applications.

    Proc. of the 2014 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Energy and Power Systems. IEEE. June 2-6, 2014, Kyiv, Ukraine.
  36. 2014 - Gumus, Tuna, Hugi Christoph, Dirk Hengevoss, Engin Kılıç, Guillaume Massard, Özbayoglu, Murat, and Ozgur Unver.
    Conceptualization of a Web-based Software Platform that enables Clean Production and Industrial Symbiosis.

    16th International Conference on Machine Design and Production, UMTIK 2014, Izmir, Turkey.
  37. 2014 - Sadigh, B Lotfi, F Arikan, Ozbayoglu, AM, HO Unver, and SE Kilic.
    A Multi-agent System Model for Partner Selection Process in Virtual Enterprise.

    Procedia Computer Science, Complex Adaptive Systems, CAS 2014. Vol. 36, pp. 367–372.
  38. 2014 - Sahin, Ugur and Ozbayoglu, A Murat.
    TN-RSI: Trend-normalized RSI Indicator for Stock Trading Systems with Evolutionary Computation.

    Procedia Computer Science, Complex Adaptive Systems, CAS 2014. Vol. 36, pp. 240–245.
  39. 2013 - Osgouei, R.E., M.E. Özbayoglu, Özbayoglu, A.M, and T. Eren.
    Three phase flow characteristics in Inclined Eccentric Annuli.

    2013 IADC/SPE Drilling Technology Conference and Exhibition (MEDT), Dubai, UAE.
  40. 2013 - Osgouei, Reza Ettehadi, Mehmet Evren Ozbayoglu, Ozbayoglu, Murat, and Ertan H Yuksel.
    The Determination of Two Phase Liquid-Gas Flow Behavior Through Horizontal Eccentric Annular Geometry by Modification of Beggs & Brill and Lockhart & Martinelli Models.

    ASME 2013 Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, V01CT17A008–V01CT17A008.
  41. 2013 - Ucar, Mustafa, Ilknur Bayram, and Ozbayoglu, A Murat.
    A Two-Level Cascade Evolutionary Computation Based Covered Call Trading Model.

    Procedia Computer Science, Complex Adaptive Systems Conference. ASME.
  42. 2012 - Guven, Erhan and Ozbayoglu, A Murat.
    Note and Timbre Classification by Local Features of Spectrogram.

    Procedia Computer Science, Complex Adaptive Systems, CAS 2012. Vol. 12. Elsevier, pp. 182–187.
  43. 2012 - Özbayoglu, A Murat and Recep Bozer.
    Estimation of the Burned Area in Forest Fires Using Computational Intelligence Techniques.

    Procedia Computer Science, Complex Adaptive Systems, CAS 2012. Vol. 12, pp. 282–287.
  44. 2012 - Ozbayoglu, A.Murat, M.Evren Ozbayoglu, and Gulhan Ozbayoglu.
    Comparison of Gross Calorific Value Estimation of Turkish Coals using Regression and Neural Networks Techniques.

    XXVIth International Mineral Processing Congress (IMPC 2012).
  45. 2012 - Ozbayoglu, A.Murat, M.Evren Ozbayoglu, and Gulhan Ozbayoglu.
    Regression Techniques and Neural Network for the Estimation of Gross Calorific Value of Turkish Coals.

    XIIth International Mineral Processing Symposium, September 24-27. New Delhi, India, pp. 1175–1180.
  46. 2012 - Sorgun, Mehmet, Ozbayoglu, Murat, and Evren Ozbayoglu.
    Estimation of Frictional Pressure Losses in Annulus with Pipe Rotation Using Neural Networks and Computational Fluid Dynamics.

    10th International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering, ACE 2012, Ankara, Turkey.
  47. 2011 - Imamoglu, N, A Eresen, and Ozbayoglu, AM.
    Hierarchical rule-based neural network for multiobject classification using invariant features.

    Innovations in Intelligent Systems and Applications (INISTA), 2011 International Symposium on. IEEE, pp. 296–299.
  48. 2011 - Mehmet, Sorgun, Ozbayoglu, A.Murat, and Ozbayoglu M. Evren.
    Gas-Liquid Flow Through Horizontal Eccentric Annuli: CFD and Experiments Compared.

    ASME-JSME-KSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference 2011.
  49. 2011 - Ozbayoglu, A Murat and H Ertan Yuksel.
    Estimation of Multiphase Flow Properties using Computational Intelligence Models.

    Procedia Computer Science, Complex Adaptive Systems, CAS 2011. Vol. 6, pp. 493–498.
  50. 2010 - Bıyıkoglu, Atilla, Afsin Güngör, Cosku Kasnakoglu, Özbayoglu, Murat, and Zühtü Uysal.
    Effect of Operation Parameters on Gasification For The Production of Synthesis Gas.

    27th Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference.
  51. 2010 - Gungor, Afsin, Ozbayoglu, Murat, Cosku Kasnakoglu, Atilla Biyikoglu, and Bekir Zuhtu Uysal.
    Determination of Air/Fuel and Steam/Fuel ratio for Coal Gasification process to produce Synthesis Gas.

    2nd International Conference on Nuclear and Renewable Energy Sources.
  52. 2010 - Osgouei, R.E, M.E Ozbayoglu, Ozbayoglu, A.M, and E Yuksel.
    Hole Cleaning Performance of Gasified Drilling Fluids in Horizontal Well Sections. Paper SPE 131378,

    SPE International Oil and Gas Conference & Exhibition.
  53. 2010 - Osgouei, Reza Ettehadi, ME Ozbayoglu, Ozbayoglu, MA, and E Yuksel.
    Flow pattern identification of gas-liquid flow through horizontal annular geometries. Paper SPE 129123,

    SPE oil and gas conference and exhibition, Mumbai, India.
  54. 2010 - Özbayoglu, A.M., M.E. Özbayoglu, and G. Özbayoglu.
    Regression Techniques and Neural Network for the Estimation of Gross Calorific Value of Turkish Coals.

    XIIth International Mineral Processing Symposium, Cappadocia-Nevsehir, Turkey.
  55. 2010 - Ozbayoglu, A.Murat and Umur Erkut.
    Stock Market Technical Indicator Optimization by Genetic Algorithms.

    Artificial Neural Networks for Engineering 2010 (ANNIE 2010). ASME Press, pp. 589–596.
  56. 2010 - Ozbayoglu, Murat, Cosku Kasnakoglu, Afsin Gungor, Atilla Biyikoglu, and Bekir Zuhtu Uysal.
    An Analysis of Water Gas-Shift Reactor Battery System for Synthesis Gas Refinement.

    11th International Combustion Symposium.
  57. 2010 - Ozbayoglu, Mehmet Evren, Reza Ettehadi Osgouei, Ozbayoglu, Ahmet, Ertan Yuksel.
    Estimation of very-difficult-to-identify data for hole cleaning, cuttings transport and pressure drop estimation in directional and horizontal drilling.

    IADC/SPE Asia Pacific Drilling Technology Conference and Exhibition. Society of Petroleum Engineers.
  58. 2009 - Imamoglu, N, A Eresen, A Yagcı, and Ozbayoglu, A.M.
    Performance Analysis of Moments in Invariant Object Classification.

    Intelligent Engineering Systems Through Artificial Neural Networks. ASME, pp. 447–454.
  59. 2008 - Ozbayoglu, A.M and I Bahadır.
    Comparison of Bayesian Estimation and Neural Network Model in Stock Market Trading.

    Intelligent Engineering Systems Through Artificial Neural Networks. ASME, pp. 581–586.
  60. 2008 - Özbayoglu, A.M. and G. Özbayoglu.
    Hardgrove Grindability Index Estimation using Neural Networks”,

    International Mineral Processing Symposium (IMPS 2008). International Mineral Processing Symposium (IMPS 2008), Antalya, Turkey.
  61. 2008 - Ozbayoglu, A.Murat, Z Aydiner, C Kasnakoglu, and M.E. Ozbayoglu.
    Neural network and genetic programming in pressure loss estimation in eccentric pipe flow.

    Intelligent Engineering Systems Through Artificial Neural Networks. ASME, pp. 163–170.
  62. 2007 - Ozbayoglu, A.Murat.
    Neural based Technical Analysis in Stock Market Forecasting.

    Intelligent Engineering Systems Through Artificial Neural Networks. ASME, pp. 261–266.
  63. 2007 - Ozbayoglu, AM, ME Ozbayoglu
    Using Neural Networks For Flow Pattern And Frictional Loss Estimation For Aerated Drilling Fluids.

    Canadian International Petroleum Conference. Petroleum Society of Canada.
  64. 2007 - Ozbayoglu, M.Evren and Ozbayoglu, A.Murat.
    Flow pattern and frictional-pressure-loss estimation using neural networks for UBD operations.

    IADC/SPE Managed Pressure Drilling & Underbalanced Operations.
  65. 2006 - Strauss, H, Ozbayoglu, A.M, and M.E Ozbayoglu.
    Estimation of Foam Stability Properties Using Image Processing and Artificial Neural Networks.

    5th North American Conference on Multiphase Technology.
  66. 1997 - Murat Ozbayoglu, A and CH Dagli.
    Unsupervised hierarchical fingerprint matching.

    Neural Networks, 1997., International Conference on. Vol. 3. IEEE, pp. 1439–1442.
  67. 1995 - Enke, D, HC Lee, Ozbayoglu, AM, A Thammano, and CH Dagli.
    An Application to Speaker Identification Using SimNet.

    Intelligence Engineering Systems Through Artificial Neural Networks. Vol. 5.
  68. 1995 - Lee, HC, CH Dagli, F Ercal, and Ozbayoglu, AM.
    SimNet: A Parallel Neuro-Fuzzy Paradigm for Data Clustering.

    OAI Neural Networks Symposium and Workshop (OAINN’95).
  69. 1994 - Burkett, K, Ozbayoglu, MA, and CH Dagli.
    Automated visual inspection system based on Hausdorff-Vioronoi network (HAVNET) architecture.

    Proceedings-SPIE The International Society For Optical Engineering, pp. 2344–2347.
  70. 1994 - Burkett, K, Ozbayoglu, Murat A, and Cihan H Dagli.
    Automated visual inspection system based on HAVNET architecture.

    Photonics for Industrial Applications. International Society for Optics and Photonics, pp. 361–371.
  71. 1994 - Ozbayoglu, MA, CH Dagli, and B Fulkerson.
    A hierarchial neural network implementation for forecasting.

    Neural Networks, 1994. IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence., 1994 IEEE International Conference on. Vol. 5, pp. 3184–3189.
  72. 1993 - Rosandich, Ryan G, Ozbayoglu, Murat A, Eric W Roddiger, and Cihan H Dagli.
    Autonomous parts assembly: comparison of ART and neocognitron.

    Optical Engineering and Photonics in Aerospace Sensing. International Society for Optics and Photonics, pp. 480–490.

Poster Sunumları

  1. 2013 - Selim F., Adali, M. Fatih Demirci, A. Murat Özbayoglu, and Mustafa Uçar.
    Towards the Automated Autograph and the Recognition of Cuneiform Signs: Preliminary Results 2013. Law and (Dis)order in the Ancient Near East

    59th Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, July 15- 19, Ghent University

Türkçe Bildiriler

  1. 2020 - Ö. Meriç, A. M. Özbayoğlu
    Yapay Öğrenme ile Yazılım Test Eforu Tahmini

    3rd International Conference on Data Science and Applications (ICONDATA 20). June 25-28, Istanbul
  2. 2018 - Erdogan Dogdu, Murat Ozbayoglu, Ali Yazici, Ziya Karakaya
    Perceptions, Expectations and Implementations of Big Data in Public Sector

    UBMK'18, International Conference on Computer Engineering, pp. 615-620, 20-23 September 2018, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina
  3. 2018 - D. Utku Ufuk, Ibrahim S. Acikgoz, Mustafa Teke , A. Murat Ozbayoglu,
    Dinamik Zaman Bukme ve Ayrik Dalgacik Donusumu ile Uydu Goruntulerinde Bant Eslestirme

    IEEE Sinyal Isleme ve Iletisim Uygulamaları Konferansı (SIU 2018), 2-5 May, Cesme, Izmir, Turkey.
  4. 2016 - Güneş, U., Elbir, Ö., Özbayoğlu, A.M.
    Yapay Sinir Ağları ile Kullanıcı Profilleme ve Konfor Seviyesi Tahmini.

    International Artificial Intelligence and Data Processing Symposium (IDAP- 16), pp. 413-418, İnönü Üniversitesi, Malatya, Türkiye, 17-18 September, 2016.
  5. 2013 - Tugçi, R., B. Çelen, and Özbayoglu, A.M.
    Comparison of Classifiers for Chatter Detection.

    IEEE Sinyal Isleme ve Iletisim Uygulamaları Konferansı (SIU 2013).
  6. 2011 - Özbayoglu, A.M and I.S Kök.
    Sinyal Gücüne Baglı Bina içi Konum Tespiti Modelleri Karsılastırılması.

    Fırat Üniversitesi Elektrik-Elektronik Bilgisayar Sempozyumu (FEEB 2011), pp. 99– 104.
  7. 2010 - Bıyıkoglu, Atilla, Cosku Kasnakoglu, Özbayoglu, A. Murat, Afsin Güngör, D.Ö Özgür, and B. Zühtü Uysal.
    Determination of Coal Gasification parameters for the production of Synthesis Gas.

    9. Ulusal Kimya Muhendisleri Konferansi (UKMK-9).
  8. 2007 - Erten, Murat, Özbayoglu, Murat, and Bülent Tavlı.
    CS0: TOBB ETÜ’de Bilgisayar Mühendisligine Giris Dersi.

    Akademik Bilisim 2007.
  9. 2007 - Özbayoglu, A.M.
    Akıllı aracıların e-saglıkta kullanımı: Hastalık teshis modelleri.

    2. E-Saglık Çalıstayı.
  10. 2006 - Özbayoglu, A.M.
    Yapay Sinir Agları kullanarak hazırlanan bir Hisse senedi deger tahmini uygulaması.

    TOK 06, Otomatik Kontrol Ulusal Toplantısı, pp. 149–152.
  11. 2005 - Özbayoglu, A.M.
    Yönsel Bant geçiren filtre ve yapay sinir agları yardımıyla otomatik parmak izi sınıflandırma ve tanıma islemi.

    II. Polis Bilisim Sempozyumu, pp. 234–237.
  12. 1995 - Özbayoglu, A.M, H.C Lee, C.H Daglı, F Erçal, and D. Enke.
    SimNet: Sınıflandırma uygulamaları için bir yapay sinir agı.

    XVIIth National Conference on Operational Research and Industrial Engineering Conference.
  13. 1995 - Sönmezer, O, G Özbayoglu, Ü Atalay, Özbayoglu, M, and C. Daglı.
    Ögütme Devresinin Yapay Sinir Agları ile Modellenmesi.

    Madencilikte Bilgisayar Uygulamaları Sempozyumu, pp. 211–217.

Genişletilmiş Özetler

  1. 2019 - Altay Karamüftüoğlu, Ali Bozbey, Murat Özbayoğlu
    Implementation of Neuro-inspired Arithmetic and Logic Circuits by Using Josephson Junction Based Artificial Neurons

    IEEE International Superconductive Electronics Conference, ISEC 2019, Temmuz 28, Ağustos 1, Riverside, CA, ABD.
  2. 2017 - Altay Karamüftüoğlu, Ali Bozbey, Murat Özbayoğlu
    Development of Superconductor Integrated Logic Circuit Design with Artificial Neural Network Structure

    International Conference on Condensed Matter and Materials Science, 11-15 Ekim, Adana, 2017.
  3. 2016 - S. Nikghadam, H.O. Unver, A.M. Ozbayoglu, S.E. Kilic
    A Structurally Enhanced Fuzzy Inference System Partner Selection Technique In Forming Virtual Enterprise

    INFORMS 2016, 13-16 Kasım, Nashville, TN, ABD.
  4. 2016 - Özbayoğlu, A.M., Yavuz, M.H.
    Rastlantısal Su¨rec¸ ve Genetik Algoritmalar ile Algoritmik Kompozisyon.

    International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICMME-2016), Fırat Üniversitesi, Elazığ, 12-14 Mayıs, 2016.
  5. 2015 - Sahin, Ugur and Özbayoglu, A.Murat.
    Finansal Islemler için Evrimsel Hesaplamalar yoluyla Egilimden Arındırılmıs Bagıl Güç Endeksi Göstergesi.

    MATDER, 14. Matematik Sempozyumu, 14-16 Mayıs, Nigde.
  6. 2011 - Özbayoglu, A.M., Osgouei R.E., M.E. Özbayoglu, and H.E. Yüksel.
    Gaz sıvı karısımlı sondaj akıslarının kesinti (kırıntı) tasıma özelliklerinin tayini (Determination of Cuttings Transport Properties of Aerated Drilling Fluids).

    IPETGAS 2011, Ankara.
  7. 2009 - M.E., Ozbayoglu, Ozbayoglu A.M., Osgouei R.E., and Yuksel E.
    Determination of Cutting Concentration through Horizontal Annular Geometry by using Image Processing Techniques.

    IPETGAS 09, Ankara.
  8. 2009 - M.E., Ozbayoglu, Ozbayoglu A.M., Osgouei R.E., and Yuksel E.
    Determination of Liquid Hold up through Horizontal Annular Geometry by using Image Processing Techniques.

    IPETGAS 09, Ankara.


  1. 1996 - Ozbayoglu, Ahmet Murat.
    Hierarchical fingerprint identification based on an unsupervised neural network model.

    PhD thesis. Engineering Management Dept, University of Missouri-Rolla.

Söğütözü Cad.No:43, Söğütözü, Ankara, 06560 Türkiye